Saturday 15 May 2010


Unfortunately the nuthatches that visited my feeding station last year are strangely absent, maybe they just found a better hostess. I hope so better that reason than thinking they did not make it through the long winter. However this nuthatch was enjoying his nuts in the Victorian garden in Pleasington.
The small pond could do with a refill but there's still enough water for a reflection of the surrounding trees and Harry my black lab.

Btw that's Phil in the background. Hiding behind the rushes are these colourful marsh marigolds.

At the back of the garden the Wildlife Trust people are doing a bit of excavation work, looks like they unearthed a bit of cherub pottery along with some other less interesting bits and pieces.


  1. Let's hope your Nuthatches have survived, and maybe they visit when you don't notice .

  2. I've enjoyed all your photos, thanks for sharing.

  3. I find the nuthatches come and go from year to year at my feeders. So sad because I LOVE them.

    That must be fun to find artifacts!

  4. Perhaps there were plenty of seeds in the wild throughout the winter to keep them happy, so the nuthatches didn't need to find your feeder this year. I love your header! ~karen

  5. I love the black lab in your reflection picture - nice!!!

  6. hope the nuthatches have survived, they're lovely birds and slowly coming up to Scotland too! Maybe that's where yours are now....

  7. I'm just now catching up on my reading! I love the Marsh Marigolds and the pottery shard. And is that black lab Harry?
