Hehe look at these two sweaty Betty's, our number 1 pairing Karen and Mick. Last year A team Abacus was promoted to the first division for the first time and the B team to the second. Unfortunately Mick who was so looking forward to the challenge was diagnosed with a unexpected illness and will miss out for the next year at least. All the team miss you loads and wish you a speedy recovery after your op. Tonight's first game against Halsteads will be no easy ride but we should do ok, fingers crossed. A bored Andy at pre season practice wondering what it would be like to have long locks
Linlithgow Loch
We had a lovely weekend visit to Linlithgow, just a short train ride away
from Edinburgh. Linlithgow is famous for the Palace, which was the
birthplace ...
3 hours ago
Well, I do hope he's going to be okay. Keep us posted.